
Balázs Solymos, and László Bacsárdi

Secure post-processing for non-ideal photon arrival time based quantum random number generator

Utilizing the inherently unpredictable nature of quantum mechanics, quantum random number generators (QRNGs) can provide randomness for applications where quality entropy (like in the case of cryptography) is essential. We present a post-processing scheme utilizing min-entropy estimation and hashing for optical QRNGs based on measuring individual photon arrival times. Our method allows for the handling of possible errors due to non-ideal components or even a potential attacker, given some basic assumptions to reliably produce a safe, good quality, uniformly distributed bitstream as output. We validate our results with an intentionally non-ideal measurement setup to show robustness, while also statistically testing our final output with four popular statistical test suites.


DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2024.1.2


Please cite this paper the following way:

Balázs Solymos and László Bacsárdi, "Secure post-processing for non-ideal photon arrival time based quantum random number generator", Infocommunications Journal, Vol. XVI, No 1, March 2024, pp. 12-19., https://doi.org/10.36244/ICJ.2024.1.2


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