
Beszámoló az IEEE PerCom 2014 konferenciáról

2014. március 24-28. között Budapesten az Aquincum Hotelben került megrendezésre az IEEE PerCom 2014, 12th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications rendezvény. A konferencia szervezői az IEEE Computer Society, a University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME) és a Hírközlési és Informatikai Tudományos Egyesület (HTE) voltak.

Technical and financial sponsorship of IEEE PerCom 2014, including best paper awards and student  travel grants, was provided by the IEEE Computer Society, the National Science Foundation of the USA (NSF), IBM Research, and Elsevier.
The program confirmed the high quality tradition of PerCom, which attracted more than 250 attendees from around the world. IEEE PerCom was established more than a decade ago as the premier annual IEEE scholarly venue for researchers, engineers, and students alike to share their state-of-the-art research and developmental work in the broad areas of pervasive computing and communications. This domain has evolved into an active area of research and development, due to the tremendous advances in a broad spectrum of technologies and topics, including wireless networking, mobile and distributed computing, ensor systems, RFID technology, and the ubiquitous
mobile phone.

Similar to previous editions, the conference program stretched over five days and included the main conference (three days) which was flanked by two days of thematic workshops.

On Monday, five workshops and a symposium (PerNEM, PerMoby, CROWDSENSING, SIPC, PerCity, ACoMoRe) opened the technical program and provided a venue for presenting novel ideas in more focused areas (such as emergency management, human mobility, crowdsensing, social aspects, smart cities, activity and context modeling) in a less formal way than what is typically possible at the main conference. The main event from Tuesday to Thursday offered a rich program of eight technical paper sessions containing 25 papers carefully selected after a thorough review process (acceptance rate for IEEE Per-Com 2014 was 12%); two keynote lectures; a Work-In-Progress (WiP) session; a Ph.D. Forum; a range of demonstrations; and a panel discussion. On Friday, six postconference workshops (SeSoc, PerCol, SCI, PD-Apps, MUCS, IQ2S) addressing the areas of security, collaboration, community intelligence, display networks, management, and Quality of Service closed IEEE PerCom 2014.
Both of the exciting keynote lectures discussed the topic of Internet of Things (IoT), but from different perspectives. On Tuesday Prof. Wei Zhao (Rector, University of Macau, P.R. China) in his lecture "WInternet: From Net of Things to Internet of Things," addressed principles, approaches, and critical issues that should guide research and development of IoT from an academic viewpoint. On Wednesday Dr. Christoph Grote (Head of BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany) provided insight into the actual state and future directions/challenges of IoT from the viewpoint of a leading car industry company in his talk, "IoT on the Move: The Ultimate Driving Machine as the Ultimate Mobile Thing." The panel discussion, closing the day on Wednesday, addressed the role of participatory sensing in pervasive computing. The four panelists and the moderator (Prof. Yutaka Arakawa, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan; Prof. Anish Arora, Ohio State University, USA; Prof. Paul Lukowicz, DFKI & Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany; Prof. Mani B. Srivastava, University of California at Los Angeles, USA; moderator: Prof. Archan Misra, Singapore Management University, Singapore) discussed the limits, due to challenges such as resource limitations, privacy, user interfaces, and data quality, of individual sensing paradigms observed in practice, and pointed out how the combined capabilities of participatory and infrastructure-based sensing can be effectively harnessed for novel urban computing applications.

Download the the whole summary of PerCom 2014.

source: IEEE ComSoc, Communications Magazine



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