
HBL (Hackathon based learning) – Számítástechnikai szakosztály

2024.11.14. 10:00 - 2024.11.14. 11:30
Hely: NJE GAMF 4/110

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HBL (Hackathon based learning) – the new approach in education of software engineers 

Előadó: prof. dr Zlatko Čović, Subotica Tech-College of Applied Sciences, Szabadka, Szerbia

Időpont: 2024. november 14. 10:00 – 11:30

Helyszín: NJE GAMF 4/110

Az előadás tartalmából
Hackathons as a form of competition have been present in the industry for many years. These competitions last from 12 to as much as 48 hours, during which participants develop various key competencies. Some of these competitions are aimed at the student population, while others are open to all interested parties. Based on personal experience and feedback received from the organizers and participants of the hackathons, it was decided to attempt the implementation of hackathons in the educational system for training software engineers.

The results of the pilot testing have shown that the learning method based on hackathons is very well received among students, as it enables them to develop essential skills and establish connections with the industry. The lecture will present the hackathons in which students from Subotica Tech participated, as well as the hackathons that were implemented within the framework of professional subjects during their studies.

“IT Subotica 2030” is an organization whose foundation has been initiated by IT companies and educational institutions from Subotica with the aim of making Subotica a widely recognized regional IT center and a place with a lively economic and IT conference scene. The purpose of the organization is to encourage the development of social and environmental activities in the town to make Subotica an ideal place to live, study, and work. The presentation will cover the organization itself, its members, as well as the projects realized and how education, companies, and society are interconnected.

Az előadóról
Zlatko Čović is coming from Subotica, Serbia and holds a PhD in Computer Science. He holds the position of college professor at Subotica Tech-College of Applied Sciences. At the same time, he also serves as Assistant Director for Public Relations and Students at Subotica Tech.

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